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Treatment-free raw honey from our hives in Emmett. This batch of honey has a very rich, molasses taste that likely comes from buckwheat! The majority of this honey was harvested from hives near the Plaza bridge.


What's treatment-free? 

I raise treatment-free honeybees so that I can harvest products (honey, wax, pollen, etc.) that contain less chemicals than other honey. Instead of treating the symptoms of an unhealthy hive with chemicals, I'm building a treatment-free apiary that is focused on breeding bees that are locally acclimated and resistant to pests and diseases. To learn more about my treatment-free approach and the unusual hives I use, visit my beekeeping page here.


Is treatment-free different than raw?

My honey is treatment-free and raw. It's raw honey because the honeyomb was only crushed and strained. It was not heated up for pasteurization. Pasteurization removes the unique flavor and many of the benefits of honey.

Treatment-Free Hive Raw Honey

PriceFrom $15.00
Out of Stock
  • Delivery available to: Emmett, New Plymouth, Eagle, Meridian, Star, Middleton, Nampa, and Boise. Free delivery for orders over $100 or $10 delivery fee for orders less than $100.

  • Pickup available in Emmett.

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